About Us
Our Vision
The Institute for Clinical Research, Inc (ICR). is a private, non-profit entity incorporated in January, 1984, in the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with, but legally distinct from, the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Medical Center of Washington, DC. Its mission is to support research activities of its members, all of whom hold appointments at the DVA Medical Center, Washington.
The ICR’s activities focus on the treatment and/or prevention of disease while contributing to the Nation’s knowledge about disease and disability.
The ICR was awarded federal tax exempt status [501(c)(3)] in July, 1984. Funds to support ICR activities are derived from donations from private individuals, fees from pharmaceutical companies, other organizations as well as other federal agencies, like National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense.
The ICR’s activities are overseen by a Board of Directors and audited by the Nonprofit Program Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs.